Micro Analysis of Opening of ‘The Cradle of Life’
The use of handheld shots in the plane tells the audience that the plane is under pressure and is not very stable whilst it is heading down towards the sea dangerously. There were also spinning shots which follow the plane through the sky and then swivel around to follow the planes path. The camera also tilts and shows the viewer the planes controls.
There is fast paced music, when it cuts to the shots of the plane, the fast paced music stops and we here the plane descending through the sky, with effective . When the planes descent becomes dangerous, we hear a warning sound which consists of high pitch beepings which become faster as the plane draws closer to the sea. The diagetic sound (for example the characters dialogue) and the non-diagetic sound (the planes sound effects) overlap in the first opening scene. The characters voices can be heard almost shouting over the planes loud warning noises.

cold insides of the building in a white snow suite,clarifying her as being different and as the leader.
There is a use of jump cuts which follow the action of the main character boarding the plane. There is also a use of close-ups that gradually zoom in on a characters face. These make the audience feel drawn into the action, and see clearly the character’s reactions and facial expressions.
Macro Analysis
Story and Plot
In this short opening sequence Lara croft and Terry Sheridan board a fighter plane, in arctic conditions and fly to a tropical region, quickly, before ejecting themselves from their pilot seats narrowly missing crasing into a mountain
Situations and locations

Themes and values
Themes in this film are ‘Pandora’s Box’ which supposedly contains one of the most deadliest plagues in the world.
There is one main character, Lara Croft. Although another important character is Terry Sheridan. Lara and Terry bond together throughout the film and a relationship together looks inevitable. Yet fate sets the two f them apart at the ending of the film. What sets them apart is Pandora’s box. Lara wants to leave it in a safe place, whereas Terry wants to take it for himself. This ultimately ends up with Lara facing a choice, her choice being to kill Terry in self defence. Other themes that are covered include: M16 agents and tasks, fear and threats caused by organisations and that not all things are meant to be found (Pandora's Box)
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