What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Our group created the following to get feedback from people from our music video and ancillary products:
- Peer assessment of the rough cut of our music video.We asked students in our class to complete a form and to write down the good things about our music video and any improvements we could make.
- Peer assessment on the rough first draft of our digipak. This was very helpful as we did need to make adjustments and it also picked up on other sections that weren't nessessary, e.g the barcode (see below).
- Peer assessment on our final music video. People wrote down improvements we could possibly make if we had omore time or if we were to do it again.
- Peer assessment on our final digipak and magazine advertisment design (ancillary products).
Our group created these:
- Questionnaire on our final music video.
- Questionnaire on our ancillary products.
What was good about the rough cut of our music video:
What needed improving on the rough cut of our music video:
From our peer assessment we learnt that our music video needed tightening up especially on some parts of the lip syncing and we needed more close-ups on our artist. We also needed to fill in the gaps inbetween footage, which was becuase we hadn't finished editing quite yet. We were also told we had room to take some risks e.g by adding in more effects and tranisitons, although they still needed to be relevant to our music genre. We also needed to improve the colour, brightness and contrast which we were currently doing at the time. We needed to improve the brightness on the night time shots so that the artists lip syncing could be clearly seen. Our group also realised that some shots needed to be shortened or split in half and used in different places to create a fast paced feel to our music video.
Good things about the rough draft of our digipak:
Improvements that were needed on our rough cut of our digipak:
From our peer assessment our group learnt that we needed to create a more edgy and unique look to our digipak. We also needed to improve the fonts we used as people could not see the punctuation clearly and the artists signature was small in comparison to the writing inside the booklet. We also needed to check some of our spelling on the digipak. From our peer assessment people said they liked the editing on the photographs we took, the blue colour scheme and the fonts for the artists name and the album name.
On the booklet inside the CD case we included a barcode on the digipak with the artist name J.REYEZ underneath it. Many people were confused why a barcode was inside the booklet. Our group created the barcode as it labelled the artist with a ' unique code' showing he was becoming more recgonised and we wanted to show that the artist had his own style and image/logo. After a group discussion we decided to remove the barcode as it would cause unnessessary confusion as it was not clear why it was inside the CD booklet.Close-up of Barcode:
Before (with barcode):

After, without barcode (centre picture in the middle of booklet)
This design is now less confusing as the barcode drawed away
attention from the artists image which we didn't want.
Questionnaire on our final music video and our final ancillary products:
The last page shows comments and feedback from social networking sites such as facebook and through emails. (The last comment on this page is from someone studying film at university.)
Prezi we did together as a group on Evalaution Activity 3:
We did this Prezi as a group (the rest of this post is done by me)
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